4 sprigs fresh basil or mint
For the chicken, add spices to a medium bowl (or mortar and pestle, pound firmly until combined) and combine with a small spoon. Add the chicken and rub spices over the pieces with fingers until they are completely covered. Warm a large non-stick grilling pan over medium heat with a dash of olive oil. Place the chicken in the pan and fry for approximately 15 minutes until cooked through to the centre. Rotate the chicken after 7 minutes with tongs to ensure all parts are cooked. Reheat coconut rice before serving over low heat. Mix in chopped mint.
To serve, delicately align desired amount of chicken strips in a large shallow bowl next to a line of rice. Garnish with sea salt, black pepper and a sprig of mint or basil.

Low FODMAP & Gluten Free
Serves 4
A colourful array of freshly organic grown vegetables in the centre of an earthy and nutty flavoured base of quinoa, this stir-fry is a simple way to ensure I am consuming a range of vegetables from each colour of the rainbow. It is advised (but not essential) to marinate the meat the night before or at least a few hours before cooking for maximum flavour!
*Use organic vegetables and meat where possible.
5oog lean beef, diced
1 medium carrot, thinly sliced lengthwise
100g green beans, chopped
1 red capsicum, sliced lengthwise
1 medium zucchini, sliced lengthwise
1 cup bean shoots
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
1 ½ cups white quinoa
2 tablespoons hot water
2 ¼ cups water, for quinoa
1 tablespoon olive oil, for frying
sea salt and black pepper, to taste
In a large mixing bowl, combine maple syrup, sesame seeds and 2 tablespoons of hot water. Add beef and toss until marinated. Allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 3 hours if time allows. Over high heat in a small saucepan, boil quinoa in water until liquid completely absorbs. Remove from heat and set aside. In a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat, warm a dash of olive oil. Stir in chopped vegetables with a wooden spoon and sauté for 20 minutes until vegetables are soft. Add marinated beef, salt and pepper and lightly brown until only small amounts of pink flesh are visible. Evenly serve quinoa into 4 large shallow bowls and create a well in the centre of each.
Using a large serving spoon, place two spoonfuls of stir-fry in the middle of each bowl. Garnish with sea salt and black pepper.